The Benji Davis Project, a small-town band from Louisiana, has been growing in popularity and gaining fans. They have been popular in Louisiana for a few years and have just recently been getting noticed. The group signed with Rock Ridge Music and is planning to release their most recent album, "Dust", nationally in November. They have several other albums, such as "More Than Local" and "The Angie House". Their sound is a mix of folk and rock and the lyrics are written by lead singer and the band's namesake, Benji Davis. Record executives are expecting big things out of the band.
Now The Opinions
The folk-rock sound of Benji Davis is fun and has a lot of character. Their lyrics are upbeat and catchy and people are going to be able to relate with the music. Their music attracts people who are fans of many different genres and is fun to jam out too. Furthermore, the band is rumored to be spectacular stage performers. They create a fun live performance for the audience. However, they have only done small performances close to Louisiana. Hopefully they will soon be touring all over the United States. This band will soon be popular all over the radio on many different stations because it appeals to country music fans as well as rock music fans. Their newest album should be a hit when it goes to the stores and fan's should go out and buy.
Songs by The Benji Davis Project to download: Do it With the Lights On, Where The Heart Is, Louisiana Saturday Night
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